Brookline MA |
We visited the World Trade Center and Memorial and ran 5 miles around Central park and went to the ballet in NY. The crisp air was incredible and the scenario made me want to run laps forever... ok jog and take pictures! Sometimes running really slow can be a really special experience because you really SEE what you are passing. I love destination runs!
New World Trade Center |
9/11 Memorial |
Central Park NY |
Central Park NY |
Upon our return, Saturday, Oct 20, I decided to set my base for my monthly Oceanside brick ride/run. I showed some friends the course as we biked from the pier out and back to Camp Pendleton for 40 miles in the misty rain (very similar to race day conditions 2012). I made up a 5.5 mile run route to cover the majority of the first loop of the race. We included the difficult sections of the run which are the ramps up and down the pier, running up Wisconsin, and then the dreaded concrete hill from Morse to Eaton. I hate this section because it is like you are in a tunnel of concrete with garage doors on one side and a beige concrete wall on the other side while running on an incline. UGH! but I will train to love this route since I plan to extend the distance once a month. My ironman goal is to try my very best to run this entire 13.1 route March 30, 2013!
I've really enjoyed working with the Newbies preparing for SheROX Sprint and Supersprint. I set up a facebook page so we could exchange support and it became a big hit! the SheROX Mentor/Mentee group was led by Bobbie Solomon and she offered free clinics for 3 months prior to the race. I had so many races that I could only attend 2 clinics for the bike and run preview so I didn't feel super close to specific people but I knew the mentees appreciated the FB page which I religiously supported daily.
I did feel super appreciated at the course preview with all their questions and thank yous. It was very rewarding for me. I was reminded quickly about my first triathlon and it brought back a lot of memories and helped me realize how much I have learned in the last year. It felt great to offer advice and calm nerves!
On race day, it was drizzling rain but I arrived at 5am and was able to offer swim wave info and bodymarking and then was asked to be a swim buddy because there were not enough. I've always considered myself a weak swimmer and never capable of being a swim buddy but I grabbed my gear and ran down to the dock just before the race began. I really didn't know what to expect. I was in a large group of males but a lady weeded through them all and looked at me with saucer eyes and asked "will you be my swim buddy? I said sure... Will you stay with me?... I said sure... No I mean stay on my right side the entire time?.. I said YES... (omg what have I gotten into?)" This was the Sprint division..750 meters almost 1/2 mile so " you know how to swim right? oh yes in the pool" hmmm???
We get in .. umm put on your goggles... can you put your face in the water... can you reach out with your arms?... can you freestyle?...NO I can only doggy paddle! WHAT?? In 15 minutes...we were almost at the end of the DOCK...maybe 100 yards? I looked underwater and it was like she was on a unicycle - no forward motion.... I tried to teach her to swim with every trick and tip I knew... alas not much forward motion. I know we are not supposed to touch them but this was going to take hours... so i grabbed her leg and thrust her forward repetitively to the first buoy...finally I said grab my ankle and you kick and I will pull. I literally towed her for almost 1/2 a mile. I started thinking...omg I don't think I have ever sweat during a swim before! I thought maybe we should get a lifeguard, maybe we should cut through the middle... No way, I wasn't letting her quit because she was a fighter and I was going to fight for her finish. It took all I had to get around the buoys with her in tow. After the last one, I had her lock her leg and I pushed against her heel as hard as I could to get her going forward. A lifeguard came by to rescue her and I said HELL NO not NOW! SHE IS FINISHING!!! I kept grabbing her thigh and pushing her heel forward until she touched ground... she almost made me cry with her exhileration! she hugged me tight, I unzipped her wetsuit, and she was off to bike/run... I then swam another lap with a couple more newbies which thankfully was all verbal support. I was starving at that point!
After the race, I saw her again. She was with a group of her friends and apparently she had told them about our experience! they all hugged me and said I had no idea what I had done for her. She had quit last week and wasn't going to race. The swim was too hard but she knew she could bike/run. After the swim she felt so amazing and it was the greatest experience ever... wow... volunteering was far more rewarding than I ever expected. I'm so happy she was able to earn her SheROX medal racing the very best she could and going home a successful triathlete! I will forever remember Sri! Paying it forward is just priceless. :)
Oct 27 Awesome 80's 10k Fun Run
October Workout Summary:
Swim 29,984 Y = 17 miles
Bike 438 miles
Run 102 miles
Total hours 65.5
Weekly Avg 16 hours
I focused on running a little more in October because of training for my November goal of running 6 halves in 16 days to attain EARTH 6-moon status with my Half Fanatics running club. I will also volunteer at Ironman Arizona to determine if next year's goal will be to achieve Ironman status or wait another year. I have decided to postpone my foot surgery until after Half Ironman California March 30, 2012. I just don't want to take a break in the middle of training and my footpad seems to be tolerating 13 miles ok but it definitely needs repair before I run a full marathon....maybe I need to focus on full marathons before full ironman... just not sure yet but I'm still excited to be part of the energy at IMAZ Nov 18, 2012!
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